Bitcoin: Lightning Network Nodes do not report Bolt9 Features

Bitcoin Network: Lightning Node Report Analysis

As a user with multiple Bitcoin nodes on the network, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest insights and discoveries from the community. Recently, I conducted an analysis of my LND node (Lightning Network Daemon), which provides detailed information about its interactions with the network. The results were striking: 19,000 nodes reported Bolt9 features, while approximately 6,000 nodes failed to report any such features.

Background on Bolt9

Bitcoin: Lightning Network Nodes do not report Bolt9 Features

Bolt9 is a feature introduced by Lightning Labs that allows for bidirectional communication between nodes and relays, enabling faster and more efficient transactions. By default, all nodes report Bolt9 features, which enables the network’s improved performance and scalability. However, it appears that some nodes may not be adhering to this standard.

Analysis of LND Node Output

Upon inspecting the output of my LND node (describeGraph command), I noticed a peculiar discrepancy between the number of reported Bolt9 features and the actual presence of such features on these nodes. According to my analysis, approximately 19,000 nodes were detected as having Bolt9 features. However, only 6,000 of these nodes actually report any Bolt9 feature.


While it may seem counterintuitive that a subset of nodes do not report Bolt9 features, I believe this anomaly is due to the complexities and nuances of Lightning network node behavior. It’s possible that some nodes may be experiencing issues or have limitations that prevent them from reporting Bolt9 features correctly.

To address this issue, it would be beneficial for developers and users to collaborate on identifying and resolving these inconsistencies. Furthermore, further analysis can provide more insight into the root causes of this discrepancy and identify potential areas for improvement in future updates.


To ensure accurate reporting of Lightning network node behavior:

  • Investigate individual node logs: Reviewing each node’s transaction history and network activity can help identify any anomalies or discrepancies.

  • Implement a standardized reporting protocol: Developing a consistent reporting mechanism across all nodes can facilitate more accurate analysis and resolution.

  • Collaborate with the community

    : Sharing findings and insights through online forums, social media, or technical discussions can lead to a better understanding of this issue.

By working together, we can improve our understanding of Lightning network node behavior and develop solutions to address this unique challenge.


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